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DVD Access Library: No modchip required!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:33 am
by Terdinglage

Thanks to an inadequate response from Nintendo, bushing has made the decision to go public with his ISO loading DVD loading exploit. Essentially what this means is that all users, including those without a modchip, will now be able to access to files stored on their own DVD-R. This really opens up a lot of useful possibilities with countless homebrew applications. Check out what folks at HacMii had to say:

Note: this is not a backup loader, in any way, shape, or form. If you’re looking for a backup loader, please move along.

While Nintendo did reply to bushing’s open letter, he has not succeeded in establishing a conversation with an engineer about the issue. Furthermore, we have learned that they received and read at least two of the original three e-mails that were sent prior to the open letter, and decided not to reply (in fact, one of their replies was to one of the original e-mails, but only after the open letter was posted). Therefore, we can only conclude that they are not very interested in the issue.

As many of you may already know or have deduced, the bug in our open letter referred to a way of reading DVD-Rs (and Video DVDs) without the use of a modchip. Several people have investigated the bug independently, and they’ve gotten pretty close. However, we did discover an easier way of enabling this mode from homebrew, which, among other things, does not require any changes to IOS at all. This method is also relatively difficult to transform into some sort of backup loader.

Erant has been developing a library that uses this trick to enable DVD access for homebrew. We hope to release it this coming week, after a few details have been polished. svpe and dhewg have been working on a native mplayer port that uses this library to play back DVDs, which we hope to release as a proof-of-concept together with the library. We also have DVD-loading versions of snes9x and Genplus.

Non-modchip users will not need a custom IOS. Ironically, this method doesn’t work for users of some modchips. Therefore, these users will require a patched IOS using the well-known UnencryptedRead patch (the library will automatically use it if needed). We’ll try to release a somewhat more user-friendly version of patchmii dedicated to this task together with the library.

Could this mean an eventual ISO or DVD loader for downloaded backup games? Only time will tell, but for now I can safely say Nintendo should be nominated as "Dunce of the Week" for their lack of and follow through with getting this patched. I have a feeling this could come back to bite them...

Via [ ]

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:56 am
by The_Hams
As many of you may already know or have deduced, the bug in our open letter referred to a way of reading DVD-Rs (and Video DVDs) without the use of a modchip.

Does this mean that a Homebrew application may eventually come along that will allow us to watch movies on DVD on Wii? :O

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:00 am
by Terdinglage
The_Hams wrote:
As many of you may already know or have deduced, the bug in our open letter referred to a way of reading DVD-Rs (and Video DVDs) without the use of a modchip.

Does this mean that a Homebrew application may eventually come along that will allow us to watch movies on DVD on Wii? :O

Thats what I get out of it :D.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:35 pm
by The_Hams
Hm...but if the Wii does have the ability to play DVDs out of the box, why doesn't Nintendo just let people watch them? Why would Nintendo cover up this secret ability that the Wii has? Letting the Wii play DVDs could only be a plus in consumers' eyes...why on earth would Nintendo not want us to watch DVDs on the Wii, if it can?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:34 am
by Rahabib
same reason your Windows Media Player wont play DVDs even though, with a simple plugin, it can. The issues comes from the fact that the MPEG group forces corporations to pay royalties for the ability to play MPEG files. Most companies pay the royalties and pass it along as a feature at slightly inflated cost (your 360s and PS3s are already so high in price whats a few more bucks passed on to the consumer). Nintendo, however, likely didnt want to do this to keep the cost of the Wii lower, and thus disabled the ability to play MPEG files out of the box.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:32 pm
by yourmomdopintors
The DVD library has been released and it CAN play DVD movies via a new port of Mplayer you can read more about it in my post in the announcements section, or via hackmii, the library is entitled libdi and its installer DVDX