CEX to DEX MM tut by deank
I just copied this because I wanted to have a copy of it so here you go:
I prepared a 217MB rar package to make things easier. It includes everything you need, except for Red Ribbon Linux LiveCD Distro - you'll have to download it yourself ->
You can also use this smaller download if you already have OTHEROS-22GB.PUP downloaded:
You can download the OTHEROS PUP separately directly from glevand's repo and save it as \PS3\UPDATE\PS3UPDAT.PUP on your USB:
multiMAN ver 04.04.03 BASE CEX DEX (20120722).rar (33.55MB)
(included in both package above in "multiMAN folder; DEX version can be used on DEX 3.55-4.11; can load backups on 3.55DEX with peek&poke)
Download and follow the instructions. You need a USB hdd to extract this package to the root folder of the USB and also Red-Ribbon.iso extracted in the root folder of the same USB. The rar contains:
c2d tool / openssl installer (supports NAND dumps from multiMAN)
metldrpwn folder with precompiled metldrpwn.ko module for Red Ribbon
multiMAN (for CEX and DEX) (no backups on DEX 3.56+) (supports NOR/NAND read/write)
norunpack (plus needed cygwin DLL files)
4 packages needed to setup OtherOS from XMB/GameOS + flash image for NORs (dtbImage.ps3.bin) + flash image for NANDs (NAND-dtbImage.ps3.bin - must be renamed - follow the tutorial)
That's all you need.
* These instructions are for PS3 systems with NOR and NAND flash
* Following these instructions will result in formatting your internal PS3 HDD. All data will be lost.
* Before you continue, make sure that you backup all valuable data, saves, games
* If you have a hardware flasher - make a proper backup of your NOR/NAND flash
* If you don't have a flasher - make a backup of your NOR/NAND with software tools like memdump, dump_flash, preloader_advance, linux
* "Install multiMAN" in this tutorial should be read as "Install Regular or DEX version from multiMAN folder provided in this package"
* All tools must be used ONLY with NAND/NOR dumps created by multiMAN
* All firmware updates/installs MUST be performed from XMB->System Update and NOT FROM RECOVERY MENU!
* USB HDD/flash FAT32 formatted with 1GB free space
* Contents of this package extracted to the root folder of your USB drive
* If your PS3 has NAND flash, remove "dtbImage.ps3.bin" from your USB
and rename "NAND-dtbImage.ps3.bin" to "dtbImage.ps3.bin"
* Red Ribbon Linux (steps 13, 14) extracted to the root folder of your USB drive
* Create a dump of your NOR/NAND (use multiMAN to create a .NORBIN/.NANDBIN file - USB connected as /dev_usb000 required)
- To dump flash: mmOS->Select any file->Open in HEX viewer->[SELECT]->[START]->DUMP LV2(NO)->DUMP LV1(NO)->DUMP FLASH(YES)
* Plug the USB to your PC and unpack the dump with norunpack.exe or cex2dex to a folder and grab "metldr" from the "asecure_loader" folder
* Put "metldr" into the "metldrpwn" folder on your USB
* If you already obtained your keys you may skip to step 27
1. Go to "System Update" and Install OTHEROS-22GB.PUP from USB (provided as \PS3\UPDATE\PS3UPDAT.PUP in this package)
* If you tried other tutorials or tools and if you find yourself in Petitboot - select "Boot OtherOS". Going into Recovery Mode will be tricky later.
2. When installation is finished, reboot in "Recovery Mode" and choose "Restore PS3 System" (not the Backup/Restore in XMB)
* To go to "Recovery Menu" turn-off the PS3, press and hold the power button, you will hear ONE beep, then 2 beeps - release the button.
3. Now 22GB are reserved for OtherOS
4. Install and run setup_flash_for_otheros.pkg
5. Reboot (It's important to shut down and turn on your PS3)
6. Install and run install_otheros.pkg (Try different USB ports if you don't get any beeps.)
7. Install and run boot_otheros.pkg
8. Install and run reboot.pkg (use the package, do NOT reboot manually)
9. You should be in Petitboot now.
10. Quit to Shell and execute create_hdd_region.sh from your USB:
or /tmp/petitboot/mnt/sdb1/create_hdd_region.sh
or /tmp/petitboot/mnt/sda/create_hdd_region.sh
or /tmp/petitboot/mnt/sdb/create_hdd_region.sh
or mount
and look for your USB hdd device in the list and then execute the script (create_hdd_region.sh) from the proper path
11. Reboot your PS3
12. From GameOS run "Reboot" to get into Petitboot again (if not already in Petitboot)
13. Download Red Ribbon: Download Red Ribbon GNU/Linux for PS3 from SourceForge.net
14. Extract the rar and extract the ISO in the root of your USB stick/or burn the image to a DVD
15. Plug in your USB in your PS3 and you should see 2 more boot options in Petitboot
16. Boot the one that says "live-otheros" (not asbestos or failsafe)
17. From the desktop icon "Install Red Ribbon" - double-click to install it on the HDD
Use default username/password during installation: ps3/ps3
* During partitioning you can resize the default /dev/ps3dd1 partition from 21GB to just 4GB (4096MB)
* It will speed up installation/formatting (all will take less than 5 mins)
18. Restart the PS3 after installation is complete (use "Reboot" package from GameOS if reboot doesn't bring you to Petitboot)
19. Select "Red-Ribbon" from petitboot (not the live/asbestos/failsafe)
20. Login with ps3/ps3
21. Use FileManager to copy your "metldrpwn" folder from the USB to your linux home folder (/home/ps3)
22. Close all opened windows/file-manager and Start TERMINAL
23. Type:
cd metldrpwn
sudo chmod +x ./run.sh
sudo insmod ./metldrpwn.ko
sudo sh ./run.sh
24. You may have to repeat the last command (sudo sh ./run.sh) if exploit fails. Close all windows but the TERMINAL window and retry.
25. You will find your EID dump (256KB) if everything went well in your home folder (/home/ps3/dump_eid0.bin)
26. Transfer it to your USB drive
27. On your PC use "c2d.exe" to convert your CEX NOR/NAND dump to DEX (use command prompt) (you may have to install openssl from c2d folder):
c2d.exe dump_eid0.bin my-original-cex.NORBIN my-DEX-flash.EID0.NORBIN 82
c2d.exe dump_eid0.bin my-original-cex.NANDBIN my-DEX-flash.EID0.NANDBIN 82
* If the dump-eid0.bin doesn't have the proper keys at the begining (0x00-0x2f) you will have to search for the keys.
Mark the first 16 bytes (0x00-0x0f) and search for them in the dump. You'll find them at another location.
Save the 48 bytes following from the location you found the keys to a NEW file (eid_root_keys.bin) and use the file with "c2d"
28. Rename your DEX flash to my-DEX-flash.EID0.NORBIN (or my-DEX-flash.EID0.NANDBIN if your PS3 has NAND flash) and copy it to USB
29. Install multiMAN (REGULAR) on your PS3 and from mmOS double-click the file from step 28) from your USB, follow the instructions.
30. Quit multiMAN and from XMB press+hold {PS} button -> Turn-off the system, then start it again
31. Download 3.55 DEX firmware (or Rogero's 3.55DEX - link in the next step) and save to USB as \PS3\UPDATE\PS3UPDAT.PUP (overwrite the otheros pup)
* Install DEX 3.55 firmware from XMB->System Update->Storage Media.
* If you install DEX 3.56-4.11 firmware you will need multiMAN DEX version, otherwise use multiMAN (regular/cex).
32. To get back to CEX/CFW from DEX:
* If you're on 3.56 or higher DEX install 3.55DEX_downgrader firmware: http://www.ps3devwiki.com/files/firm...r/PS3UPDAT.PUP
* You can also use Rogero's 3.55DEX_DOWNGRADER_PEEK_POKE firmware (not tested): R-3.55-DEX-DG-C_F_W-PeekPoke.PUP
* Install multiMAN regular (for CEX/CFW) (otherwise you will get "Error accessing device! Install proper firmware!" error
* Use your original NOR dump (my-original-cex.NORBIN) and rename it to (my-original-cex.EID0.NORBIN)
or in case of NAND: Use your original NAND dump (my-original-cex.NANDBIN) and rename it to (my-original-cex.EID0.NANDBIN)
* Double click on your CEX flash file in mmOS (i.e. /dev_usb000/my-original-cex.EID0.NORBIN or /dev_usb000/my-original-cex.EID0.NANDBIN)
* Quit multiMAN and from XMB press+hold {PS} button -> Turn-off the system, then start it again
* Install OFW/CFW 3.55 from XMB.
NOTE: While I was converting my PS3 from CEX to DEX and then back from DEX to CEX I NEVER used the POWER BUTTON to turn-off/restart the PS3. The only time I had to do that is at the beginning when you have to enter the Recovery Menu after OTHEROS PUP is installed. All other firmware updates are performed from XMB (not from recovery menu) and all restarts/turn-offs are performed with {PS}->Turn Off in GameOS, or reboot/shutdown/restart/boot-to-game-os while in petitboot or linux.
The PS3 I used for my tests is SLIM, which came with 2.70, never downgraded and no need for special firmwares with checks-disabled, etc. If you're console is downgraded from 3.56+ following this tutorial may brick it.
I prepared a 217MB rar package to make things easier. It includes everything you need, except for Red Ribbon Linux LiveCD Distro - you'll have to download it yourself ->
You can also use this smaller download if you already have OTHEROS-22GB.PUP downloaded:
You can download the OTHEROS PUP separately directly from glevand's repo and save it as \PS3\UPDATE\PS3UPDAT.PUP on your USB:
multiMAN ver 04.04.03 BASE CEX DEX (20120722).rar (33.55MB)
(included in both package above in "multiMAN folder; DEX version can be used on DEX 3.55-4.11; can load backups on 3.55DEX with peek&poke)
Download and follow the instructions. You need a USB hdd to extract this package to the root folder of the USB and also Red-Ribbon.iso extracted in the root folder of the same USB. The rar contains:
c2d tool / openssl installer (supports NAND dumps from multiMAN)
metldrpwn folder with precompiled metldrpwn.ko module for Red Ribbon
multiMAN (for CEX and DEX) (no backups on DEX 3.56+) (supports NOR/NAND read/write)
norunpack (plus needed cygwin DLL files)
4 packages needed to setup OtherOS from XMB/GameOS + flash image for NORs (dtbImage.ps3.bin) + flash image for NANDs (NAND-dtbImage.ps3.bin - must be renamed - follow the tutorial)
That's all you need.
* These instructions are for PS3 systems with NOR and NAND flash
* Following these instructions will result in formatting your internal PS3 HDD. All data will be lost.
* Before you continue, make sure that you backup all valuable data, saves, games
* If you have a hardware flasher - make a proper backup of your NOR/NAND flash
* If you don't have a flasher - make a backup of your NOR/NAND with software tools like memdump, dump_flash, preloader_advance, linux
* "Install multiMAN" in this tutorial should be read as "Install Regular or DEX version from multiMAN folder provided in this package"
* All tools must be used ONLY with NAND/NOR dumps created by multiMAN
* All firmware updates/installs MUST be performed from XMB->System Update and NOT FROM RECOVERY MENU!
* USB HDD/flash FAT32 formatted with 1GB free space
* Contents of this package extracted to the root folder of your USB drive
* If your PS3 has NAND flash, remove "dtbImage.ps3.bin" from your USB
and rename "NAND-dtbImage.ps3.bin" to "dtbImage.ps3.bin"
* Red Ribbon Linux (steps 13, 14) extracted to the root folder of your USB drive
* Create a dump of your NOR/NAND (use multiMAN to create a .NORBIN/.NANDBIN file - USB connected as /dev_usb000 required)
- To dump flash: mmOS->Select any file->Open in HEX viewer->[SELECT]->[START]->DUMP LV2(NO)->DUMP LV1(NO)->DUMP FLASH(YES)
* Plug the USB to your PC and unpack the dump with norunpack.exe or cex2dex to a folder and grab "metldr" from the "asecure_loader" folder
* Put "metldr" into the "metldrpwn" folder on your USB
* If you already obtained your keys you may skip to step 27
1. Go to "System Update" and Install OTHEROS-22GB.PUP from USB (provided as \PS3\UPDATE\PS3UPDAT.PUP in this package)
* If you tried other tutorials or tools and if you find yourself in Petitboot - select "Boot OtherOS". Going into Recovery Mode will be tricky later.
2. When installation is finished, reboot in "Recovery Mode" and choose "Restore PS3 System" (not the Backup/Restore in XMB)
* To go to "Recovery Menu" turn-off the PS3, press and hold the power button, you will hear ONE beep, then 2 beeps - release the button.
3. Now 22GB are reserved for OtherOS
4. Install and run setup_flash_for_otheros.pkg
5. Reboot (It's important to shut down and turn on your PS3)
6. Install and run install_otheros.pkg (Try different USB ports if you don't get any beeps.)
7. Install and run boot_otheros.pkg
8. Install and run reboot.pkg (use the package, do NOT reboot manually)
9. You should be in Petitboot now.
10. Quit to Shell and execute create_hdd_region.sh from your USB:
or /tmp/petitboot/mnt/sdb1/create_hdd_region.sh
or /tmp/petitboot/mnt/sda/create_hdd_region.sh
or /tmp/petitboot/mnt/sdb/create_hdd_region.sh
or mount
and look for your USB hdd device in the list and then execute the script (create_hdd_region.sh) from the proper path
11. Reboot your PS3
12. From GameOS run "Reboot" to get into Petitboot again (if not already in Petitboot)
13. Download Red Ribbon: Download Red Ribbon GNU/Linux for PS3 from SourceForge.net
14. Extract the rar and extract the ISO in the root of your USB stick/or burn the image to a DVD
15. Plug in your USB in your PS3 and you should see 2 more boot options in Petitboot
16. Boot the one that says "live-otheros" (not asbestos or failsafe)
17. From the desktop icon "Install Red Ribbon" - double-click to install it on the HDD
Use default username/password during installation: ps3/ps3
* During partitioning you can resize the default /dev/ps3dd1 partition from 21GB to just 4GB (4096MB)
* It will speed up installation/formatting (all will take less than 5 mins)
18. Restart the PS3 after installation is complete (use "Reboot" package from GameOS if reboot doesn't bring you to Petitboot)
19. Select "Red-Ribbon" from petitboot (not the live/asbestos/failsafe)
20. Login with ps3/ps3
21. Use FileManager to copy your "metldrpwn" folder from the USB to your linux home folder (/home/ps3)
22. Close all opened windows/file-manager and Start TERMINAL
23. Type:
cd metldrpwn
sudo chmod +x ./run.sh
sudo insmod ./metldrpwn.ko
sudo sh ./run.sh
24. You may have to repeat the last command (sudo sh ./run.sh) if exploit fails. Close all windows but the TERMINAL window and retry.
25. You will find your EID dump (256KB) if everything went well in your home folder (/home/ps3/dump_eid0.bin)
26. Transfer it to your USB drive
27. On your PC use "c2d.exe" to convert your CEX NOR/NAND dump to DEX (use command prompt) (you may have to install openssl from c2d folder):
c2d.exe dump_eid0.bin my-original-cex.NORBIN my-DEX-flash.EID0.NORBIN 82
c2d.exe dump_eid0.bin my-original-cex.NANDBIN my-DEX-flash.EID0.NANDBIN 82
* If the dump-eid0.bin doesn't have the proper keys at the begining (0x00-0x2f) you will have to search for the keys.
Mark the first 16 bytes (0x00-0x0f) and search for them in the dump. You'll find them at another location.
Save the 48 bytes following from the location you found the keys to a NEW file (eid_root_keys.bin) and use the file with "c2d"
28. Rename your DEX flash to my-DEX-flash.EID0.NORBIN (or my-DEX-flash.EID0.NANDBIN if your PS3 has NAND flash) and copy it to USB
29. Install multiMAN (REGULAR) on your PS3 and from mmOS double-click the file from step 28) from your USB, follow the instructions.
30. Quit multiMAN and from XMB press+hold {PS} button -> Turn-off the system, then start it again
31. Download 3.55 DEX firmware (or Rogero's 3.55DEX - link in the next step) and save to USB as \PS3\UPDATE\PS3UPDAT.PUP (overwrite the otheros pup)
* Install DEX 3.55 firmware from XMB->System Update->Storage Media.
* If you install DEX 3.56-4.11 firmware you will need multiMAN DEX version, otherwise use multiMAN (regular/cex).
32. To get back to CEX/CFW from DEX:
* If you're on 3.56 or higher DEX install 3.55DEX_downgrader firmware: http://www.ps3devwiki.com/files/firm...r/PS3UPDAT.PUP
* You can also use Rogero's 3.55DEX_DOWNGRADER_PEEK_POKE firmware (not tested): R-3.55-DEX-DG-C_F_W-PeekPoke.PUP
* Install multiMAN regular (for CEX/CFW) (otherwise you will get "Error accessing device! Install proper firmware!" error
* Use your original NOR dump (my-original-cex.NORBIN) and rename it to (my-original-cex.EID0.NORBIN)
or in case of NAND: Use your original NAND dump (my-original-cex.NANDBIN) and rename it to (my-original-cex.EID0.NANDBIN)
* Double click on your CEX flash file in mmOS (i.e. /dev_usb000/my-original-cex.EID0.NORBIN or /dev_usb000/my-original-cex.EID0.NANDBIN)
* Quit multiMAN and from XMB press+hold {PS} button -> Turn-off the system, then start it again
* Install OFW/CFW 3.55 from XMB.
NOTE: While I was converting my PS3 from CEX to DEX and then back from DEX to CEX I NEVER used the POWER BUTTON to turn-off/restart the PS3. The only time I had to do that is at the beginning when you have to enter the Recovery Menu after OTHEROS PUP is installed. All other firmware updates are performed from XMB (not from recovery menu) and all restarts/turn-offs are performed with {PS}->Turn Off in GameOS, or reboot/shutdown/restart/boot-to-game-os while in petitboot or linux.
The PS3 I used for my tests is SLIM, which came with 2.70, never downgraded and no need for special firmwares with checks-disabled, etc. If you're console is downgraded from 3.56+ following this tutorial may brick it.