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[Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:54 am
by monkeymaximus

PS3 Homebrew Manager is an application to drop the Latest Homebrew Apps / Games / Emulators / Utilities on your PS3.

Release Notes:
- This is a barebones version of what the goal of PS3 Homebrew Manager is.
- Check back often for releases.
- We are definitely missing many homebrew apps. Please tell us which ones to add on the forum.

To Do List:
- Make UI nicer. Especially on OSX.
- Ability to Patch already installed items vs full reinstall.
- Handle applications that conflict (aka all the different managers).
- Build web interface for developers to update their own pkgs, information, website etc...
(Will build this if Developers tell me they want it. LMK via Forum / PM)
- Ability to transfer local supplementary files (Like for SNES9x).
- Lots more! I don't want to give away all my surprises.

Check it out here

Re: [Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:21 am
by crait
Great release! I'll help spread the word!!

Re: [Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:32 pm
by Cypherous
Sweet dude that looks awesome, shame i already have all those app's installed but definitely very nice :)

Re: [Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:25 pm
by crait
:P It'll be updated constantly. ;)

Re: [Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:37 pm
by Cypherous
crait wrote::P It'll be updated constantly. ;)

Then i look forward to using it, already got it bookmarked :)

Small tiny rough idea that may or may not be useful, how about a web tool to install any given payload to a cartain device, the rockbox ports for example should generally all follow the same folder structure and you can write to USB via the FTP manager, might not be the best idea and probably won't work for dev boards so its probably a waste of time but just a suggestion :)

Re: [Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:09 pm
by nukester
i think you should definitly add gaia manager on their as its the best backup manager out there

Re: [Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:32 pm
by jamen
this is really awesome! but with the rate of homebrew being generated, it falls behind quickly. What does it take to be an admin? i'll gladly volunteer to help keep it updated; because snes9x 3.4.7 was released over 10 hours ago, it should be available on this manager like 6 hours ago.

Re: [Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:13 pm
by crait
There aren't many people with the power to upload stuff to this, but there will be more stuff generated soon. Thanks for the offer for help. To be an admin here, you've got to be active, nice, and as helpful as possible. The more you do all three of those, the better your chances are. We're always looking for new members, and always looking for more help! Thanks a lot!

Re: [Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:15 am
by monkeymaximus
Hey Jamen,
I actually put 4.3.7 up on the 19th ( Is it not showing up for you?? If it isn't please let me know ASAP that means there is some caching issue I need to address.

I really do appreciate the offer to help. Stick around Brewology and send me a PM all the help I can get is appreciated :)

Re: [Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:48 pm
by clankfan1
Very nice here's some more TO-DO Ideas I came up with:

*Allow users so send any pre-downloaded .pkg file to PS3 through FTP
*Find updated versions of homebrew that users the don't have (If you have a lower version of homebrew it will tell you that an update is available)
*Remember the IP, username, and password of the FTP server (Saves time)
*Rate homebrew (Thumbs up or thumbs down)
*Show homebrew that is installed on the ps3 (Checks files after connected to FTP)
*Delete homebrew on the ps3 (Removes files from HDD)
*Enter a code to take you to a specific download

I have some more but I think there to complicated for right now!

Re: [Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:02 am
by redeye094
hi to all. I dont seem to be able to find ps3 homebrew manager to download - just talk about it - what am i missing

sorry - get it now -

Re: [Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:30 pm
by bguerreiro
Hi all.
This may be a bit off topic but here goes.
Everytime i try to download/install, it fails, with an error about the task directory.
I’ve tried ftp’ing directly to PS3 then changing to the directory. I get permission denied. Is it safe to try to delete the task directory and recreate it?


Re: [Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:56 pm
by monkeymaximus
hmm. what homebrew / ftp software are you using?

Re: [Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:15 am
by bguerreiro
It turns out it has nothing to do FTP, but with the Hermes payload file permissions issue.
It's solved.
Sorry for the added noise, and keep up the good work :)

Re: [Release] PS3 Homebrew Manager v0.1 Beta

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:15 pm
by crait
Thanks for telling us what the issue was!