Tue May 24, 2011 8:12 pm by irishdragon85
lol yeah but i mean cmon it's jacked up i have been sitting on preorder codes plus pps3 exclusive code for L.A. Noire since it's release i am kinda upset that Sony aint on their game and fixing this problem. i personally will stick by the better console (imo) through this tough time of thiers but this month is just ridiculous and i'm sorry but the "Welcome Back" package just isn't enough anymore to keep alot of subscribers happy. i will only be downloading my two games for the ps3 just to say i have them (i had infamous and didnt really like it all that much LBP just never seemed like my cup of tea wipeout and stardust are arcade type games and i'm unsure about them and as for Dead Nation i havent really heard anything about it except that its a zombie game and i never was much for zombie games) now if they offered some money for the wallet that would be awesome since i know of some games and some dlcs i would be getting (faery and honest hearts as well as the 2 dlcs for Saints Row 2)