Gamesonic manager v 1.20 compatible with cfw 4.53 habib

Hi all back with a new update to gamesonic manager.Given that Habib has released its cfw 4.53 I updated the manager by adding 4.53 payload.
added payload 4.53
update control fan utility
Completely sthealth for online play,
complete for each cfw discless existed from 3.41-4.53,
can mount iso from ntfs devices on any cfw,
full compatibility with all cfw is cex that dex,
kept all other functions of iris manager v 2.60 b
Fixed bug crash discless on ps3 slim
Tested on cfw 4.53 habib
Thanks:Habib,Estwald,Rancid-0,Aldo Vargas,Pullecalo