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A long post for my friends and family



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Post Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:29 pm

A long post for my friends and family

Firstly, I'd like to ask that this topic remain clean and respectful.

As my friend and e-brother BKF did recently, I'd like to also extend a hand and own up to my responsibilities during the past few weeks, if I'm allowed. For so long, crait has been a great help around the brew, a senior member, a respected person in the homebrew community, and for the most part, a decent, upstanding person in general. I apologize for my actions, my inactions, and my failure to compensate accordingly to interactions involving harassment and slander, which was carried out on multiple fronts, from multiple angles, and most of which were irresponsible as a member, but foremost, as an administrator.

I feel I've made many friends here at the Brewology since I'd become a member here. Even as my days being a moderator turned to days of being an administrator, I value each and every one of you as a friend, in one way or another, and through my experience at the Brewology, I've learned valuable lessons in forgiveness, leadership, compassion, and even Linux :twisted:, but I feel it is time for me to leave the Brewology altogether.

It has been, after all, a wonderful learning experience from day one at the Brewology, so it brings me a great deal of conflict and resolution, and even regret, to be demoted from my administrative role for being irresponsible. I hope that there comes a day when I will be honored to serve the site again. I cannot even post news articles without being harassed, it seems. Even though I'd let the staff know that we were going to focus on news just the day before being demoted, I'd continued my aforementioned responsibilities when I could, as I could, contributing news articles. My efforts were met by members feeling I'd just been posting them to "suck up" to the current staff, to get on their good side, or met by harassment for one reason or another that even still I do not understand. I feel that even my contributions are unwelcome, and as such, so is my presence in general.

So at this time, I'd like to take some time to mention some of you folks individually as a send-off in good faith. Although I'm leaving, I'm hoping a day will come where I'm able to be respected again and return to the site with my former role, but until that day, I have some words to leave you with. There are far too many people to say goodbye to, and many more than I list, but here goes.

- BKF - Times between us had been rocky, and even unstable sometimes, but through everything I feel we've always been able to meet at a deeper level of understanding, even though we live vastly different lives. You've been a brother to me, as odd as it sounds, and I will always respect you as such. Don't stop being a good person.

- Ace - I'd watched you "grow up" as you've been a member here on the brew. You're a highly intelligent young man and I hope you use your full potential in future endeavors you take on. Your sense of logic and reason has impressed me in every thread I've ever seen you post in, except one, and I won't go there right now, but I'm sure you know what it is ;)

- Nik - In many ways I found you one of the most irresponsible members on the Brewology, in terms of responsibility, but I've always valued your forward nature and willingness to accept challenges. I don't think that there's a single hurdle you won't be able to overcome as long as you put your mind to it, and I hope you continue to support the legacy that I and other have helped create that ensures that the Brewology is the most helpful place to come for all homebrew needs.

- Jesse - I'd put one of your screen names, but you change them quite often now lol. Throughout the years, you've always been referred to as a powerhouse of ideas. I'd come to you asking you questions about how the Brew should be and where goals should be placed and you've almost always had a level head and been of an assistance to me and other staffers. I hope you get out of your recent posting habits that tend to be somewhat negative or rude and instead let your true character show because you really are a good person. You, me, and Arto had some of the most maniacally hilarious times here.

- Airplanes18 - You've always been an easy target for pointing fingers and making jokes, and it's easy to tell your age from many of your posts, but I've always valued you as an independent thinker. You're the type of person that would rather try to find something broken and fix it yourself than have something handed to you in perfect working condition, and that's why despite many times where people may have wanted you banned, I'd stood up for you. The site needs more members with traits like you. You're willing to help and willing to learn, and nobody can take that from you. Your comments recently have actually found a way to hurt my feelings. It's not that you hadn't harassed me like any other member had already, but because I never expected there to be a reason for hatred in the first place. I've failed you personally as an administrator and, more importantly, as a friend, and that's just another learning experience I'm sure to gain some solid ground for.

- Da Cool Man/ ~THE SZK~ - You catch a lot of sh*t from some of the members for spamming or not being clear enough with the points that you make, but don't let that get to your head. All forums need some element of chaos. You are a part of that element, but you play a larger role in the community than you think.

- Diehard335 - You've been inactive, for the most part, for a long time, but you've always come through in the staff sections with guided and concise input on current events. You, like crait, have a very progressive nature about you. If I were to recommend anything to you, it would be to spend more time and be more devoted to the Brewology since you've always been a positive member.

- DA - I'm sorry for the way things cascaded between you, me, and the staff. I'd delayed your demotion almost two months when others suggested you be demoted, but you hadn't even come around and seen the conversation and didn't have anything to say for yourself. I understand that there was a time you were on vacation or out of town, but I'd like to let you know that it wasn't my decision alone to remove you from administrator. At the time, we felt it was the right decision, and in your anger I made the decision to remove your ability to send PM's when people were coming to me telling me of things you'd said on here and outside the Brew. I never meant for things to be that way. I remember days where you and I were the global moderators and we tackled everything effortlessly and efficiently. With dedication, you may have the potential necessary to be worthy of staff again. Whether or not you're allowed in the staff is irrelevant. The point is that you harness the potential that the vast majority of your peers never seem to understand or are incapable of understanding.

- AdventWolf - Every forum has members that administrators appreciate for merely their dedication to their membership, and you are one such example. You've always remained a loyal Brewer and you have your hands in all sections of the forum, it seems. Although you've declined my request to be on staff, at one point or another, I hope to see you posting news and feature articles for the website to further our expansion in the future.

- crait - Endless times we've chatted and mostly disagreed, yet I am profoundly grateful for your dedication to not only the site but to your relentless desire for progress. I'm ashamed and truly sorry for the recent weeks which have led up to this point, and if there's anything at all that I want you personally to gain from this message is that I did not enjoy deleting your account. There's only so much someone can take. I tried giving warning after warning and you seemed irrational, even to the point of calling me a fat**s who loves desserts. It was only after I was pushed to the brink and after consulting with other staffers that I did what I had done, and even then, I didn't feel good about it. You were a friend to me and although you consider me filth at this point in time, you'll continue to be a friend to me.

- Alex Finlay - I'm sure we will continue to talk outside of the Brew, as we always have. Your knowledge with the Wii rivals that of senior members of larger and more populated websites and I find it a welcome treat that you've shared your input on these forums.

- Q - You're one of the older, more mature, and well-educated members on the Brewology. Although you challenge the contemporary means or beliefs of most others, few people find success in proving you wrong. I hope you continue to post here for as long as you feel welcome.

- gman - Best consistent avatar award. Oh, and... YOUR MOM, and that's all I have to say ;)

- light_alistor - You seem to post in "spurts" almost weekly, but your posts are always welcome here on the Brew. You've had your hand in discussions and debates and you're not afraid to state your opinion, even if it is, "I don't care". Few people walk the talk like you do.

- TheTyler0013 - You've been nominated more than once for staff review to judge whether or not to approach you for a staff position and have not been asked to join simply because we felt there weren't openings. You're doing the right thing here on the Brew, so keep it up.

- Fallen - You are one of the most well-mannered senior members here on the website and make things interesting and interactive around here. You've never once had a negative run-in with the staff or any other member and I think everyone would benefit from behaving more like you do.

- Dethklok2751 - Rock on, brother, rock on.

- DracoDarco - Don't change your sig.

- FarQ - You don't come around here often anymore, and I can only assume you're on YouTube. You made some of the most hilarious and dead serious posts that have been made here and your time spent was a riot. You should post around more.

- Darksleem - Yet again, another member that doesn't come around often, but one in which has an opinion that doesn't deviate and you rarely care if someone disagrees. That's a personality trait which some people find unattractive but one in which I'm sure will get you where you're going in life.

- mailas - You should not only be banned, but you should be deleted from this forum altogether. If I could count all of the times you've tried to ruin the site or the staff, I'd probably reach a number I'm unable to count to - and definitely unwilling to count to. You began on this site as a needy member who begged for a staff position over and over until one was given to you in order to shut you up. From there, you would abuse your moderator privileges by editing the intention of posts, locking topics you disagreed with, and deleting posts from upset members that were targeted towards you. You've gone as far as gaining an administrator login in the past and attempted to destroy the site from the inside out in the administrator control panel. On top of that, you've made numerous throwaway secondary accounts that you've used for spam and to deface the staffers of this site. Going even further, you've tried to get everyone to download a keylogger that you posted in the forum disguised as a PSP Exploit that works on all PSP Models and even went as far as to private message me the "exploit" in order to gain my administrator login - an act most certainly worth being deleted from the face of this site altogether, despite your incessant urge to destroy the site in the past. For any members or staff members that think I'm just making things up, lookup the forum account CrimsonFate. He only has a few posts, since it was a throwaway account, but you'll find out where he f-ed up, and I can only hope you folks take the same action I had taken by deleting him entirely. That is, after all, your responsibility to the forum.


Until next time, Brewology, take care.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:50 pm

Re: A long post for my friends and family

I'm not going to post again in this thread but I will say that a lot of what you posted was uncalled for and senseless. I think you stay true to your beliefs and I still think you are a strong person. What you did was... well... trying not to rehash the entire thing... I thought it was stupid.
I actually would love for us to all move forward from this to make the site better and countless times, you've done a lot of things with that goal in mind. If you are leaving the site, I hope that you will soon return with that goal once again and become a 'regular' like all of us that are still around. If you decide to stay away, please come to check back up on the site and post every now and again. I know that a lot of the e-friendships that you've created on this site will carry over into your actual life, away from the computer or away from this site like soo many people before you. I'm sure you'll keep in touch with a lot of members through IM's or even Warrock or other MMO's.

I hope none of this post offended or angered you. I don't know how else to say it, so I guess I'll say it like this... Bye for now, I'm sure we will see you again.


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Post Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:00 pm

Re: A long post for my friends and family

I'm just glad that through the site upgrade, my faulty decision-making is able to be reversed, and your post count restored.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:22 pm

Re: A long post for my friends and family

I want to thank you for your post and you will be missed, your not un-welcome in my book, infact you are more than welcome. Ur a good man DPM, we all have times where we aren't at our best. It's life :D I can Forget the past. Thank you for you time as ADMIN.

Come back soon.


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Post Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:23 pm

Re: A long post for my friends and family

Sucks to see you go, but some things just happen, have a nice life man.

Thanks for the heartfelt message.


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Post Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:31 pm

Re: A long post for my friends and family

Don't have to much fun in the real world.


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Post Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:40 pm

Re: A long post for my friends and family

I forgive you completely. thank you, and im sorry too.
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Post Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:12 pm

Re: A long post for my friends and family

It just irritated me nobody contacted me, or even put me as a mod once I was active again. Thanks for the post.


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Post Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:08 pm

Re: A long post for my friends and family

I tried to get people to download a keylogger?

With nik back and DPM gone I think I can finally act nice towards the staff
and other members who support the staff.

I look forward to seeing the site finally reach a new level.
I don't really hate Linux, but it's just too funny.


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Post Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:28 pm

Re: A long post for my friends and family

Mailas wrote:I tried to get people to download a keylogger?

We got your IP logged as CrimsonFate when you used that account to come back and spam on it (as well as suba and however many others you made). You'd even "downloaded it" from the other forum you posted it on and acted like you were a victim of it and had to reformat your computer or something. You practically told on yourself.

If there's one thing I'm adamant about, it's that crait should CERTAINLY stay on the site and you should CERTAINLY be deleted.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:24 pm

Re: A long post for my friends and family

Haha thanks dude :p I've definitely learned a ton from you since I've been on staff, and although these past 3 years have gone by pretty fast, they have been great. I will always miss the times when you made me and staxx moderators, and then bkf joined the boat. But I will always remember all the stuff you did, and to be honest I've definitely been able to develop real life perspectives and skills in management and other aspects we've had to utilize and I really appreciate that dude! That and even though we might not have agreed on one thread here I do appreciate that you have your own opinions and don't settle for what others tell you. Haha

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Post Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:51 pm

Re: A long post for my friends and family

I need to post more so people will post about something other then my sig.... :roll:
Oh well, it appears ive missed quite a bit of internet drama ( i believe it warrants such a distinction) though i highly doubt i personally could have affected much, nevertheless I wish you happiness in all your future endeavors, and I just want to say that to me you always appeared to be an excellent and respectable person and admin and I thank you.


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Post Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:34 pm

Re: A long post for my friends and family

See ya DPM. You were the first person to help me here. Will not be forgotten.
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Post Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:16 am

Re: A long post for my friends and family

Thanks man, I'll remember you, I got off to a rough start in my first topic here (no not the cheats one airplanes) and you helped me with a pm.... I seriously hope you don't leave, and once again thanks!
-Formerly DCM


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Post Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:36 am

Re: A long post for my friends and family

Thanks for the kind words, I hope one day everything can be brushed aside and we can live in harmony once again. :)

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