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Official Religion Debate Thread

What faith do you practice, or would most closely associate your beliefs with?

Agnosticism / Atheism
None or Undecided
I'm not sure
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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:28 pm

DarkPacMan77 wrote:My point about Harry Potter and Jesus Christ is that neither can be proven to be any more real than one another

There is plenty of first century Roman proof that "Jesus" did exist. Execution records from those times have collaborated what is written in the bible. There just is no proof of his miracles or of his resurrection, only what is written in the scripture. If there was proof one would not need "faith". As for Potter, what more needs to be said?

The Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and Leprechauns are poor examples to support your argument. It would be like someone saying "Freddy is going to get you in your dreams".
It would have been better to use real "pagan" deities like Zeus or Jupiter because those really compare more to the topic at hand.
DarkPacMan77 wrote:Jesus Christ/ God isn't real, because I've never met him.

I have never met George Washington or Plato. I guess they never existed either.
DarkPacMan77 wrote:no religion is correct, and therefor, can't be trusted.

I agree with you on this point. However there is plenty of hard evidence that much of what is written did actually happen. I will make one exception, Though I believe there was a great flood I do not believe Noah did everything that he did as it was written in the Old Testament.
ace_012 wrote:So, what is everyones opinions on animals, does anything believe they have a soul?

You must first define what is a "soul" before we can answer that.
farquezy wrote:If a god exists, than he must consist of matter or energy which he doesnt, which means he doesnt exist.

I can find you more scientific proof showing the existence of god than you can use to deny it, but there is no room, and I doubt there is any interest. With that said, I think we are on religion in general and bashing Jesus right? Any opinions out there on his 40 days and nights in the desert?


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:34 pm

@farquezy: Uhh, the theory of relativity is used to describe how an effect is relative to the cause. E=MC*MC is used to show amounts of light given off by nuclear fusion (correct me if I am wrong), but the natural law that effect=cause (the Chaos Theory, Butterfly Effect, w/e) is always true. Another point, Christianity and Islam come from Judaism. With that noted, my belief is Christian, but also scientific. I believe that something god-like in nature must have started the process billions of years back. All life is intelligently designed to adapt, if not evolve. Any scientific theory does not need to conflict with religious belief, and proof is not necessary to believe in God or Jesus. Two quotes stick in my head on the subject: "The Earth was blue, but there was no God"- Big Boss; "I do not provide proof of my existance, as proof denies faith"- God (Hitch-hikers guide to the Galaxy). Much in the bible is historically accuracte to me, but it is not a religious guide for me. That isn't very organized, and might not make 100% sense, but that's how I feel. Carry on, <leaves>.
Last edited by 8-bit_ninja on Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:39 pm

The problem today is that people have to justify themselves for every single thing they do.
Who says got isn't made up of energy and matter?
And DPM just because you haven't met/seen someone doesn't mean they don't exist, I haven't met/seen a billions of people that used to inhabit this earth.

Well here are some points:

1. In the Bible it says that God took a rib from man and made woman, don't women have a rib more than a man?

2. In the Bible it states that Babylon would be rebuilt and it would be the ruling place of the ANtichrist. Surprisingly this actually came true, why in the hell would someone rebuilt Babylon, and keep the name of it, just for the hell of it? Saddam rebuilt it and Babylon surprising was untouched and continues to be untouched during the war. It would have been a great idea to bomb this city since it is a very MODERNIZED city, it is as modernized as a huge city in the US. This was a major HQ and telecommunications center that should have been destroyed. In the Bible it says that the city will have much wealth and it will be rich.

3. The UN for whatever reason is spending millions of dollars on Babylon trying to make it so that they could have their HQ there. Why the hell would the UN HQ be in the middle of no where surrounded by a bunch of terrorists in the desert? The Antichrist will possibly come to power through the UN by becoming the supreme leader and establish the One World Government.

*Well The UN is moving into Babylon
*Babylon is the ruling place of the Antichrist
Put 2 and 2 together and get that this is actually true and the Antichrist will rule there in Babylon with the UN.

4. The Bible also talks about a unified Europe, everyday the EU is bringing the European nations closer and closer together.

5. Unified Global Currency, the EU has basically made this possible, they haver the Euro. Maybe something will happen and we will no longer have paper money and everything is done electronically. Basically everything is done electronically as well so there is no need for paper money or numbers, you just slide the card. You guys do know that the US currency is backed up by gold anymore right? We seem to be doing fine without it.

6. The Antichrist is suppose to have the 'Mark of the Beast' which has something to do with the number off 666 and is either placed on your right forearm or on your forehead. You know that every bar code I think has '666' in them. There is a bar code in a Microchip. Microchips are being mandatory put in children in Ohio without the parents consent. There are microchips being put in animals, and you can get them put in yourself. This microchip will help a great deal, no more missing people, you will have all your health information in the chip so people will know your health and what could possibly be whats wrong with you on the spot and what blood you need and stuff. I mean this is a great idea, and you can chip sexual offenders and criminals so you can help keep track of them. This is a great idea, this will be done for all the right reasons. However, once the Antichrist rules, then if you get the Mark of the Beast, you will praise him and acknowledge him as your leader.

7. In the Bible Jesus foretells the destruction and rebuilding of Solomon's Temple. Guess what, the temple WAS destroyed and it WAS rebuilt, it was destroyed again and I think rebuilt again, then destroyed again. Now it is in the process of wanted to be rebuilt again, once Israel gains control of the Temple Mount then they can rebuild it, that will then be a sign of the Coming of Christ.

8. The Bible foretells that before Christ comes that worldwide ministry of the Gospel will come to pass. If you pay attention to how the missionary service is and how it is expanding all across the world, then you can see that Worldwide missionary work is almost here.

9. In the Bible it foretells of the EXTREME development of science and technology shortly before his return. In the Last 10 years there has been extreme developments in technology,

PS2, PS3, XBOX, XBOX 360, GC, Wii, iPods, MP3 players, LCD, Plasma TVs, GPS, Portable DVD players, the PSP, and everything is always getting smaller and smaller, the new 1/4 inch thick laptop, the iPhone, seriously the Bible foretells an extreme increase in technology and scientific discoveries. How would people back in the BCs know about increased science and stuff.

10. The Bible foretells of lawlessness, don't you think that the new generation coming up are a bunch of brats that don't obey their parents and disobey authority? The Bible foretells all of this, how would people really know that people would become disobedient when everything was so strictly ran with tremendous laws and punishments.

11. A Unified Global Government will try to take place. That was foretold in the Bible in the Old Testament.

12. It also says that The World WIll Seek Peace. More and more countries are disgusted of war and fighting, they only want peace.

13. The Bible foretells that Christians will be lacking in their faith. Have you guys noticed that most Christians now a days aren't as excited about God and his word and willing to share it?

Yep, and there are several more smaller points that show true to today. Be honest, don't just blow these off, I mean you actually can't just ignore ALL of these facts and say they are nothing, you have to actually be amazed in a couple of these to be foretold.


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:49 pm

Thanks, glad to have at least a little recognition for some points. Religion is very questionable stuff.


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:54 pm


First of all I want to say that I respect your interpretation of the scriptures however, my interpretation is that those predictions have already come to pass almost 2000 years ago.

To me, Evangelical beliefs are a bit like trying to justify the 400 year old cryptic writings of Nostradamus for modern times.

Many times in the past many people have interpreted those writings for their time and I think it will continue on as long as the bible remains in print.

Though I must say, I think everyone reading is familiar with the expression "History repeats itself".


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:09 pm

Dude those were some awesome points. Very nice, +1 brownie point for you lol. But really, I think you made some very nice points. I didn't even think of talking about Revalations until now.
It's not the religion that causes wars, it's the men who use religion as a means to control people that do.
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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:24 pm

Just remembered, a while back I heard it was decided that 616 was actually the evil number. It adds up to 13 (6+6+1=13), the unlucky number aswell. Guess what my area code is....
P.S. Very well put, Advent. I get your point.
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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:27 pm

The bible says a bunch of stuff. The Berenstain Bears also says a bunch of stuff. That Green Eyed Monster in the Berenstain Bears book is pretty scary eh?

My point is... WHY BELIEVE IT? The bible is fiction.
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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:31 pm

SEGA Game Gear wrote:The bible is fiction.

Can you prove it? If so we can close the thread now! :wink:


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:13 pm

Technically there were over 1000 books overlooked when the new testament was created at the council of nicea, over 200 of them where apocolyptic the second most popular was known as peters apocalypse and almost everything involving romans being bad was taken out and replaced by the doings of the jewish. this is because the maker of the bible was a roman known as Constantine....

ps. does anyone know how to get an English translation of the book of Judas

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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:22 pm

~Sorry it's kinda long ;)

All right... I'll acknowledge that some of the events in the Bible might have actually taken place. But really, can you believe some of the ridiculous stuff in there? People parting the water in a sea... people rising from the dead... slavery is accepted in parts of the bible, yet now it is said that it is sinful.

I believe the universe was started with some kind of "big bang". What this big bang was can't be proven. People have said that it could be a greater being or a god, or an atomic reaction. There are many theories, but why believe someone else's? Why conform? Why believe a book that was written thousands of years ago? Lack of advanced technology made it easy to pull scams and stunts, There is no way to be sure that any information in the bible is correct. I have been argued with on the grounds that Manuscripts can prove that the events in the bible took place. All types of documents can be forged, especially in ancient times. Also, portions of the bible have been written and added by different people hundreds of years after the first chapters were written! That is Bullsh*t! The King James version, The New Testament, a bunch of books and stuff. Wtf? Why should I believe this stuff? Maybe I should make a chapter in the bible called 'The Book of Sega'. People just make up stories. Why can't people create their own theories? It doesn't make sense to buy into a mass system of religion just because your parents or someone brought you in to it. Discover things for yourself!

Religion is a club. Different clubs hate each other. This could be compared to professional sports and many conflicts and wars. Pointless arguments are the result of a certain system of belief accusing other systems of beliefs wrong because they do not agree on certain factors. Hataz need to chill.

All religions are designed to control society and maintain order. I won't be controlled. I won't be told what to do. Got a problem with it? Are you gonna call the cops? Bring 'em on.


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:22 pm

Good point Draco. I could not agree with you more completely.

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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:44 pm

SO you aren't even going to take the time to read my post? I at least respected your opinion by reading the entire topic.
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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:02 pm

omg i hope this is the last topic on relegion


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:02 pm

SEGA Game Gear wrote:The bible says a bunch of stuff. The Berenstain Bears also says a bunch of stuff. That Green Eyed Monster in the Berenstain Bears book is pretty scary eh?

My point is... WHY BELIEVE IT? The bible is fiction.

Thats just ignorant lol, what the Bible says actually comes true. The Berenstain Bears never predicted the destruction of the temple lol.

Slavery was never accepted, key Godly figures were slaves. The only thing the Bible does is record the events and slavery just had to be a part of it. You believe a book that was written 2000 years ago because what it stands for which is very moral attributes and that God created the Earth and the prophecies that it tells you. All of those things I stated where from teh Bible, and can you say that they AREN'T being fulfilled?

I don't fall into a 'system' I don't go to church, I hate for the most part sitting down and listening to people preach. I don't think I should have to suffer through long messages as long as I believe in God and what he did. And a random act of kindness never hurt a person. No one 'bought' be into it. I chose to study and believe in it myself.

True Christians don't hate another religion, those people are just blinded. But Christians suffer the most persecution in the world out of all the religions, I guess that would be Satan doing his work or w/e. I do believe that the government does use religion to control, but still look at the facts. In the beginning it was for good, but then people in the government lost faith and now it is just for control.

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