
SDLPoP-Vita usineur has released SDLPoP-Vita version ita-1.3 for the PSVita.

## Installation:

- Install `SDLPoP-Vita.vpk` using VitaShell
- Extract the `` archive into `ux0:data`

## Controls:

| Keys |   |
| — | — |
| Left | Turn or run left |
| Right | Turn or run right |
| Up or O | Jump or climb up |
| Down | Crouch or climb down |
| X | Pick up things, hang from edge |
| X + Left / Right | Careful step |
| △ | Display remaining time |
| L | Quick load |
| R | Quick save |
| Select | Toggle fullscreen |

## Build instructions:

## Customization

This can be done by editing the `ux0:data/prince/SDLPoP.ini` file.

Default ratio
– `start_fullscreen = false`
– `use_correct_aspect_ratio = false`


– `start_fullscreen = true`
– `use_correct_aspect_ratio = false`
– Or use “Select” button to toggle fullscreen


4:3 ratio
– `start_fullscreen = false`
– `use_correct_aspect_ratio = true`


“Lighting” Mode
– `enable_lighting = true`


## Changelog:

– Rebase with last features / enhancements of SDLPoP original project
– Enable toggle fullscreen

- Fix music resume after clicking to the PS button.
- Enable L/R buttons to respectively quick load/save your progression.
- Add keyboard support to enter your name in the hall of fame (_you must finish the game first_)

- Loading time is reduced
- Unneeded “overclocking” is removed
- Real fullscreen mode
- Circle button performs the same action as “up” button

- First public release

Download SDLPoP-Vita from the Brewology PSVita Store.

Posted in Brewology, PSVita | No Comments »

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