
SDLPoP-Vita Mod rsn8887 has released SDLPoP-Vita Mod version ita-1.3bgit-rsn8887 for the PSVita.


This is a version of Usineur’s SDLPoP for Vita with the following changes:

- re-compiled based on Usineur’s latest source repository from 1/10/2018.
- compiled using latest SDL2 and SDL2_mixer libraries. This fixes the popping noise and sound distortion when the end of level door closes.
- a sharp-bilinear-simple shader is implemented that removes the pixelwobble and pixel distortion in all screenmodes.

Everything else is the same as in Usineur’s version 1.3. For more detailed information, please look at Usineur’s original [release page](

Thank you Usineur for a great port!


- Install SDLPoP-Vita.vpk using VitaShell
- Extract the archive into ux0:data


Sadly, the following examples are a bit blurry because the Vita saves screenshots as jpegs with lots of artifacts. But the effect should still be obvious, especially in the checkerboard pattern in the shadow.

- This version (1.3b) with sharp-bilinear-simple shader

Note all pixels have the same shape. I think this is how it should be.

- Previous version 1.3 without shader

Note some pixels are distorted more than others. Some are very rectangular, some are more square. This can lead to a lot of distortion, especially when things are moving.

Download SDLPoP-Vita Mod from the Brewology PSVita Store.

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