
Bermuda Vita usineur has released Bermuda Vita version 1.4 for the PSVita.

## Installation:
- Install `bermuda-vita.vpk`
- Extract data files from the []( archive to `ux0:data/bermuda/DATA/`
- Extract music files from the []( archive to `ux0:data/bermuda/MUSIC/`

Finally, you should have, into `ux0:/data/bermuda/` :
- A folder named `DATA` with [the following files and directories](
- A folder named `MUSIC` with track01.ogg to track15.ogg inside

## Controls:

| Keys |   |
| — | — |
| Arrow Keys | Move Jack |
| X | Interact / Skip dialogues or cutscenes |
| □ | Use weapon / Pull out weapon |
| O | Run / Put away weapon |
| △ | Display bag |
| Start | Open menu |
| Select | Toggle 1:1 / fullscreen |
| L / R | Quick load / save |

## Credits:

Cyx (Grégory Montoir) for original reverse work and modern engine.

## Changelog:

- Rebase with last features / fixes of bermuda original project (release 0.1.6)
- Fix more random crashes.
- Button “Start” is now used to open in-game menu.

- Image quality improvement. Thanks to @rsn8887.

- Enable “SELECT” button to toggle between 1:1 ratio or fullscreen

- Fix random crashes due to wrong audio/music memory management

- First public release

Download Bermuda Vita from the Brewology PSVita Store.

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