
PS3 developer Evilnat made a new update of his CFW 4.89 Evilnat Cobra 8.3 (CEX) with a number of new options like his previous build 4.88.2. Some of the features in the CFW include a built-in File manager in XMB, Option to toggle Cobra debug/normal versions, disable CFW syscalls, block PSN login if CFW syscalls are enabled, offline activation of PSN account, QA Flags, FAN Tools, Savedata conversion and several fixes and improvements.

Planned features for the next release

  • Dump full RAM (256mb)
  • New icons/label to know if Cobra is enabled/disabled and cobra version release/debug is loaded
  • OtherOS
  • xai_plugin with support for 4.84.3 Rebug (Unofficial)

    To avoid issues, make sure you have the latest version of your favorite homebrews like, webMAN MOD, ManaGunZ, multiMAN, Movian, etc…​

    If your console is on OFW 4.80 or higher, and it is a CFW compatible model (all phat, slims 20xx, 21xx or 25xx with min ver 3.56 or lower), follow this Guide by Coro for jailbreaking your PS3 with Bgtoolset directly from your PS3 Internet Browser.

    Download: CFW EVILNAT 4.89.2 COBRA 8.3 [CEX] [BETA] (May 29th, 2022)
    PUP MD5: 01F5C01671F48D2ED6A16D7296A47853

    Download: CFW EVILNAT 4.89 COBRA 8.3 [CEX] (May 17th, 2022)
    PUP MD5: 14CC1EC94488858BB85ABB335876A5CF

    Download: CFW EVILNAT 4.89 COBRA 8.3 [CEX] Overclocked 600/750Mhz (May 18th, 2022)
    Mirror1 Mirror2 Mirror3
    PUP MD5: 396E44B91D134AEEA715A4432952C7EE
    Increased 100Mhz to the default 500 Mhz GPU / 650 Mhz GDDR3 RAM Clock speeds by zecoxao

    Download: MEGA FOLDER WITH ALL CFW VERSIONS OF EVILNAT 4.89 (May 17th, 2022)

    Download: CFW EVILNAT 4.89 COBRA 8.3 [CEX] [noBT]
    For PS3s with damaged bluetooth module
    PUP MD5: E4426F5338FCDE35D728F443899C7AF9

    Download: CFW EVILNAT 4.89 COBRA 8.3 [CEX] [noBD]
    For PS3s with damaged bluray drive
    PUP MD5: 597BE74B932E8115178BB5BEC94026C7

    Download: CFW EVILNAT 4.89 COBRA 8.3 [CEX] [noBD + noBT]
    For PS3s with bluray drive and bluetooth module damaged
    PUP MD5: 2B97BED2374872A5337D593BEC9B915B

    Original Release Info: @PSX-PLACE

    Download: Littlebalup’s 4.89 Dual Boot firmware for PS3 already on CFW CEX
    PUP MD5: 9466FC0D75F42E22E3B9E3B8D76C58AD

    Download: HFW 4.89 Dual Boot firmware for PS3 already on CFW CEX
    Same as Littlebalup’s 4.89 DB, but with silk_webkit.sprx from 4.82 to allow install ps3xploit (HEN)
    PUP MD5: 6FD6EA6458C0AD202289217B079922BC

    Both tested on NOR and NAND. From XMB and Recovery. Release link.

    Littlebalup’s PyPS3tools updated 4.89: Release link

    NOTE: OFW 4.89 came with display issues while using 480p / 576p. To fix them install this Fix for SD display by sandungas. It is required to have /dev_blind enabled to allow write to flash storage. Use it at your own risk.

  • Posted in Brewology | 7 Comments »

    ryu100 says:

    gracias amigos solo que me quedare con las ganas de instalar overclolck en la ps3 tengo estropeado el lector bluray tendre que quedarme en cfw nobd
    estaria genial que aplicaran over clock en las versiones cfw NoBd y en laveresion NoBd/NoBt
    para usuariois con consolas estropeadas

    July 6th, 2022 at 7:36 pm

    The overclock version is way too unstable right now, my temps are fine but allot of features have gone kaboom,
    for example : Cursor not showing in browser, the keyboard to type is completely wiped off planet, and bassically i havent found any other but this has to be fixed for it to be atleast somewhat functionable.

    July 8th, 2022 at 7:09 pm

    however beta is fine

    July 8th, 2022 at 7:09 pm

    4.89.2 beta has applied the fix for SD display by sandugas.

    If you use 4.89 (not beta) you should install the fix. You first have to enable /dev_blind to apply it.

    July 8th, 2022 at 7:28 pm
    fmonteiro says:

    Does the no-BD version ignore error 8002f147(Bluray-loop update) even when the bluray ci is soldier
    on the board and the defect is on it and not in the bluray driver? Thanks

    January 10th, 2023 at 12:55 pm

    Hello, good morning everyone! I had a semibrick (it seems) after converting dex to cex (was following a guide ) now it plays a song beeping and then turn off. I need your help, please! I saw that I can fix my ps3 with a e3 card, help pls!

    February 16th, 2023 at 2:18 pm

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