
Main Notes:

Compatible with the new System menu 4.2!

“Get a SD card. If it has a private directory, rename it temporarily, e.g. to “privateold”. Having other saved channels on the same card will screw it up.
Download and unzip it onto the SD card.
Go download the HackMii installer. Copy installer.elf to the root of the SD card, and rename it to boot.elf.
Press the SD card icon (for the SD menu). This is different from the last version. Then insert the card. It should either pop up Load boot.dol/elf? or freeze.
If it pops up a dialog, then fill out the survey.
If you encounter any problems from then on, don’t try other versions (it won’t help), but see the information below the survey.
If it freezes before popping up the dialog, you could try these versions: Here”

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