
Yes, you read that correctly. All firmwares ever released or to be released by Sony will have homebrew. Why? Well, the company has no way of making their gaming machines know what is homebrew and what is officially released programs.

How is this possible? Well, the makers of both products have added a secret encryption to everything that is ran on either machine. Without this encryption, your programs will not run. But, that secret key has been released for both of the devices and this year, we will see both devices explode with homebrew and Sony won’t be able to do anything about it!

Thanks Geohot, Team fail0verflow, Mathiuel, and the others! :D We love you and truly appreciate everything you’ve done for us!

Source 1: Mathieul’s Announcement
Source 2: Geohot’s Love
Source 3: Self-Signed Hello World For PS3
Source 4: PS3 Keys Found

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