
Update 2012-02-20: Updated the PS3 FTP Client to version 1.1.
(Installer, find files, cancel transfer, bug fixes, etc.)

I have made a new toy… these are the features:

- It rips files (dummies, languages, update, etc) stored on the PS3 HDD/USB via FTP.
- New simulation mode (shows the results of a rip)
- If you have a folder with PS3 covers in your PC (eg. MCLUB jpgs), the cover is displayed when a remote folder that matches the titleid is selected (eg. BLES80608)
- Displays a column with the description of the game (based on the title id)
- It is a “full” ftp client based on wininet

Download: PS3 FTP Client 1.1 (WIP) 427 KB

It requires the VB5 Runtime DLL.

It is still experimental, some features are not complete, but at least the remote file ripper should work…

Final note: Use with care!! Remember that it touches the internal files in the HDD of your PS3.. The PS3RIP is safer.

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