I’ve always wanted to give something back to the community and here it is.
SDK 3.70 will be uploaded soon, having troubles with my connection! PhyreEngine Link Below.
Hopefully someone will figure out a way of having this usable with PSL1GHT.
Install it by running the PhyreInstaller.exe, then when its done go to C:/PhyreEngine3006/Tools and run PhyreLevelEditor.exe. Navigate the viewport using the mouse wheel to zoom in and out, hold alt key and click the left mouse button to rotate. Change the viewport by selecting the X Y Z values in the top left. To load a samples navigate to Media and select one in there.
Also for those who like tearing apart self files the levels generate their self files in the Tools folder.
Link to PhyreEngine:
Make sure you follow the PhyreEngine_Getting_Started_e.pdf, in the Docs folder. Then you can run the samples on your PC. Controls in the samples are:
Forward: A
Backwards: Z
Turn Left: O
Turn right: P
Sure you can find the rest when your running it.

Will Follow up with the 3.70 SDK later.
ETA 2/3AM GMT for SDK.
Anyone found anything kool on the phyreengine yet? Abit premature i know (thats what she said) but ive discovrerd how easy it is to import and drag into map, try http://www.turbosquid.com/Search/3D-Models/free/dae for more .dae models, looks like they may need physics.
Had some troubles last night with uploading, its doing it right and should be ready in about 4 hours, apollogies for the delay.
Third part is almost done, you should see links cropping up in the next two hours.
Right ive finished uploading, somebody is sorting it out and you will see links soon. Heres a screenshot of the SDK Manager to show its version: